What The True Colors Logo Can Teach Us About Our Actual True Colors
Updated: Jan 21, 2022
Have you looked at the True Colors International logo?
I mean really looked at it?
Check it out. What do you see?

Usually when I ask this question at home in south Louisiana, one of the first responses is “the hurricane symbol” which makes me giggle. Because, yes.
For reference, the Hurricane symbol:

But apart from weather symbols - what do you notice?
First, there are the 4 colors (orange, gold, green, and blue).
...Which are the names of the four types of personalities in this typology.
Four Colors, Four types, Four parts to the logo.
Nailed it!
Then we see that those 4 colors are in petal-like shape. As if the logo is a blooming flower.
Which it is!
Flowers are ubiquitously known for being welcoming and positive.
Many times, we give flowers to people for congratulatory celebration.
And True Colors is absolutely a celebration of our individuality, uniqueness, and talents!

Ok now look at the edges of the petals in the logo.
Go ahead.
Scroll back up.
The outer edges of the petals are profiled faces!
This probably blew my mind more than any other part of this whole thing.
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it - am I right?!
The faces are included because we need to be reminded this is all about the other people in our lives.
How do we, knowing our color types, better interface with the people in our world around us?
Knowing the 4 color types is only valuable if we can use the knowledge to be better professionals, parents, coaches, family members, bosses, volunteers, conflict navigators, friends, communicator...
That’s why there’s not just one face.
Because it’s not just about us, our individual color.
It's about knowing and using and embracing all four colors - in ourselves and in others.

True Colors is built upon the philosophy of celebrating our individuality through the transformative process of self-discovery.
But knowing our own type is NOT good enough; we should NOT stop there!
We must learn and know and celebrate all four types (colors).
We see that emphasized in the True Colors tagline - Valuing Difference, Creating Unity.
Are you ready to explore your True Colors?
If True Colors can pack all that into one logo, imagine what we can discover through a full on assessment and workshop!
When you’re ready to level up your personal and professional development, strengthen your relationships, and unlock more of your potential - let me know.
You can go ahead and schedule a FREE consultation with me right here!
Can’t wait to find out your True Colors?
Take the online assessment now!
I’m so excited for you! Let’s do this.
